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The Change of Metro Gateway Brake
Source:Powered | Author:admin | Time:2017-11-20 | Views:1614

Reporter learned from the Shenzhen Metro, on the 9th, Shenzhen International Trade, and other 10 additional iTVM vending machines, passengers can use the WeChat, QQ wallet, Alipay and other online payment platform ticket, scan the QR code on the site machine. With the window of the world, Convention and Exhibition Center Station, the current total of 12 stations in the city, 23 iTVM can facilitate the public to remote ticketing.

The new ten sites are International Trade Center, Grand Theater (Line 1), Gangxia, Shopping Park, Zhuzilin, Qiaocheng East, OCT, Baishizhou, Shenzhen University and Daxin Station. After the online payment, passengers Tickets can be used within the same day to scan the QR code with the barcode scan engine to get a one-way ticket, which saves time queuing, but also eliminates the need for passengers to change for the troubles.

According to the relevant person in charge of Shenzhen Metro, the city’s subway network all stations selling the one-way ticket, change required for each year is about 14 million yuan. In accordance with the calculation of the weight of 6.3 grams for each one dollar coin, it is conservatively estimated that the required coins for all the stations in Shenzhen Metro will weigh about 88 tons. The first and second station vending machines with scan engine in Shenzhen Metro mainly use the mode of cash ticketing, receiving only 5 yuan and 10 yuan banknotes and using coins to change their positions. Therefore, the demand for banknotes and coins at the station is huge. The bank coin supply The amount of difficult to meet the demand. With the increase of new routes in the future, the workload and pressure of depots against zero have become more and more difficult to alleviate.

The Change of Metro Gateway Brake

With the maturity of barcode scanning technology, the subway corridors of major cities across the country have been transformed, the barcode scanning module embedded into the channel gates, just gently sweep can be successfully passed. And LV4600 series products, but also because of its excellent scanning performance of the favor. Specific features include 1. Armed with Longview’s fifth-generation of technology, the scan engine can decode even poor quality barcodes with ease.2. Snappy On-Screen Barcode Capture.3. Multi-Interface.The LV4200 barcode scanner supports USB and TTL – 232 interfaces to meet diverse customer needs.4. Seamless integration of image sensor and decoder board makes the scan engine small, lightweight and easy for integration.5. The advanced technology incorporated in the scan engine promises low power consumption and prolonged service life.

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